MARK runs DISCOVER SHOOTING (with help from his wife, Deborah), and serves as the company's primary instructor. Mark and Deborah rely on their different backgrounds and strengths to provide comprehensive concealed carry training classes and other firearms instruction. Mark is certified by the NRA as a Pistol and Rifle Instructor and Range Safety Officer. Both are well-versed in firearms laws, and they strongly believe in exercising their Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. Their goal is to help you do likewise. As committed Second Amendment advocates, Mark and Deborah also are members of several organizations that help to preserve and maintain Second Amendment rights for all law-abiding citizens.
MARK is a certified NRA Pistol and Rifle instructor, NRA Range Safety Officer, a certified Utah Instructor, a certified DC Instructor, and a Maryland Qualified Instructor. In addition to teaching concealed carry training classes, Mark also conducts other firearms training, including: handgun, rifle and shotgun training (including AR carbine training), laser training and more. As a survivor of several attempted crimes, including a handgun assault, armed robbery, home burglaries and carjackings, Mark is particularly passionate about the ability of all law-abiding citizens being able to defend themselves from a criminal attack, and is an advocate for the Second Amendment, holding membership in several groups related to that advocacy. A professional and thorough trainer, Mark particularly is patient and sensitive to the concerns of new shooters, but he relates well to shooters of all levels of experience. Whether you're a brand new or experienced shooter, a competitor, or even a military or law enforcement professional, Mark will be able to bring valuable, real-world insight and knowledge to your training experience. Aside from running DISCOVER SHOOTING on a part-time basis, Mark also runs his own business consulting practice.
DEBORAH was raised in a very rural area, in the northern mid-west area of the U.S. As a young girl, she gained familiarity with both rifles and shotguns, but she never had fired a semi-automatic handgun until she met Mark. One of their first few dates included a trip to the range, where Mark then conducted Deborah's first handgun training session. After her first experience firing a semi-automatic handgun, Deborah was hooked! Thus, she continued to receive further firearms training. Fast forward to the present, and Deborah became a certified NRA Pistol Instructor, a Maryland Qualified Instructor, and a certified Utah Instructor. Like Mark, Deborah also is a Second Amendment advocate, who also holds membership in several groups related to that advocacy. After having spent more than 20 years in the classroom as a public school teacher, Deborah prefers to stay out of the classroom and help with administrative tasks for DISCOVER SHOOTING, but she became an instructor so that she could assist with classes and other training, if needed.
Sad news about Deborah:
In mid July, 2021, my beloved Deborah became severely ill and passed away from septic shock due to a staph infection. We were married 14 years and 7 days, some of the happiest 14 years and 7 days of my life. When we met, Deborah had some experience with long guns and hunting, but had never fired a handgun. Our third or fourth date was at a local range. There was no way I was going to marry an anti-gun zealot! Throughout our time together, everything that was important to me was important to Deborah, just because it was important to me. She sought to be a part of everything in my life, while I sought the same with her. Nearly all of the content and design of this website is Deborah’s. I’m going to mostly leave it alone for now, except for that which needs to be updated and maintained. I am sad for my loss, but otherwise completely at peace as I know that Deborah is in the perfect place, in heaven with her Lord and Savior. Some day, I will join her.
In the meantime, classes and range qualifications are being scheduled and conducted frequently and with great enthusiasm. As always, I strive to provide a valuable service and will do my utmost to help people secure and exercise their God given right to protect themselves and their families. Whether that is training for permits, range sessions and qualifications, help selecting appropriate firearms or more, I will do all that I can to help you.
This personal note from Mark appeared in the July 2023 Discover Shooting newsletter:
Two years ago, in July 2021, just a few days before the 2021 July gun show, my beloved wife Deborah Jane, passed away. Many of you knew her and more than a few of you have told me that stopping at our table at the Nation’s Gun Show in Chantilly to chat with Deborah was a highlight of your visit to every show. She loved those chats and looked forward to every show.
Those few terrible days two years ago brought home some important lessons for me. Everything happened so very fast. As I was being rushed out of the ICU so they could perform a surgical procedure, I heard her answer a doctor’s question assessing her mental state with, “I know I’m here because I’m very sick.”
Those are the last words I ever heard her say. She never woke up from that procedure. I never had a proper chance to say goodbye. No time for a final, “I love you.” Fortunately, nothing was ever left unsaid between us. I told her of my love and devotion many times, every day, for more than 14 years. My words and actions left no doubt in her mind as to the deep and abiding love I had for her. I have absolutely no regrets or angst for holding anything back or leaving something unfinished.
So let me pass that lesson forward to you. If there’s anybody important in your life, a spouse, parent, child, sibling, or friend, let them know, as soon as you can, how important they are to you and how much you care. That next breath is guaranteed to none of us.
We want to highlight a number of our affiliated instructors:
Paul Pendley– Paul owns a training company and a 16.5 acre outdoor shooting range. Continued training is the best way to maintain your proficiency and speed in defense of yourself and your family. Paul conducts training where you are able to move, forward, backward and to either side, while shooting. His range has a vehicle for carjack drills and targets that move on a track, so you can practice shooting at moving targets while moving yourself. You can’t do any of this in a classroom or typical shooting range. See the link below for more information.
Charles (Sneakers) Nesby – Sneakers if an accomplished trainer and instructor and owns his own training company. An NRA certified instructor and Chief Range Safety Officer, Sneakers brings valuable experience and skill with him. He is also a retired Navy fighter pilot. Sneakers assists with larger classes, does all of our LEOSA qualifications and is an important part of the Discover Shooting team.
Liane Nesby - Liane is Sneakers wife. While not a trainer/instructor, Liane can frequently be seen with me at my table at the Nation’s Gun Show in Chantilly, VA assisting with questions and training sign-ups. Liane has become knowledgeable with regard to local law and questions relating to training requiremetns in the various local jurisdictions and is an important part of the team.
Recardo Alexander – Recardo owns his own firearms training company, as well as helping our students, when needed. Recardo is an NRA Certified Instructor, an NRA Range Safety Officer, and he is a certified armorer for AR carbine, 1911, and Glock firearms. Recardo also is an experienced competitive shooter who has competed both nationally and internationally in Pistol, Rifle and Shotgun. He is active in several firearms organizations and competition disciplines including: IDPA, USPSA, NSSA, NSCA, MPL, NRA and VCDL.
NOTE: We also host guest instructors, and/or refer students to other instructors who conduct specialized training that we do not do ourselves (e.g., Self-defense classes, LEOSA Re-qualifications, Competitive Shooter Training, etc.). Information for any guest instructors, as well as for those who conduct specialized training, will be provided upon request.