
the gun show at the new location (the dulles town center in loudoun county) has been cancelled


The Nation's Gun Shows at the dulles Expo center in chantilly, va are still ON FOR THESE DATES

2025 Show Dates:

april 11, 2025 to april 13, 2025

june 13, 2025 to june 15, 2025

july 17, 2025 to july 20, 2025

september 26, 2025 to september 28, 2025

november 21, 2025 to november 23, 2025

***OUR TABLE at the chantilly show WILL, MOST LIKELY, BE IN ITS USUAL SPOT at the rear of THE MAIN HALL, near the restrooms!***

When you enter the main hall, look straight across to the back wall, and a little bit to the right (near the restrooms), and you should be able to see our very tall display with a banner for Multi-state Concealed Carry Classes and DC and MD Classesup above our table! 

NOTE: Since we have one of the tallest displays at the show, our table is relatively easy to find.

Please come and see us at our table at the next show!  While there, you can sign up for a class — and possibly receive an exclusive ‘Gun Show Discount’ on your training. It’s our largest discount. Feel free just to stop by to say, ‘hi’ to us, too!

In case you are not able to come to see us at the next scheduled show at the Dulles Expo Center, we still do offer other discounted prices. Please contact us for more details, as prices vary from one type of training to another. Read more below, under the “DISCOUNTS” section on this page.

When you contact us, please let us know in which jurisdiction you reside (e.g., DC, MD, VA, WV), as well as what permit(s) for which you’d like to apply. Also, please inform us if you’ve served in the U.S. military, because military service may count as sufficient training for some permits (e.g., MD, VA, and/or FL), but not for others (e.g., UT and DC).

We do hope to see you at the Nation’s Gun Show!






Here is a link where you can purchase a ticket –– or more than one ticket, in case you’re bringing someone else with you to the show:


Also, following is a link to the Showmasters Gun Shows website, where you regularly can check regarding the status of any upcoming shows at the Dulles Expo Center (or anywhere Showmasters holds a show). Just copy and paste the link into your browser. Schedule of upcoming shows:


Again, please come and see us at our table at the gun show.  While there, you can sign up for a class — and possibly receive an exclusive ‘Gun Show Discount’ on your training. Feel free just to stop by to say, ‘hi’ to us, too!


If you want to know more about how reciprocity agreements affect your ability to carry in other states, please contact us, and we'll do our best to help you figure out which resident and/or non-resident permit(s) may best meet your individual out-of-state carrying needs. 

Our PART 1 (BASIC) class will provide the training necessary to apply for a VA or UT permit, as well as for certain other states — including FL (if you also complete range training and range qualification. A UT permit adds reciprocity with four (4) additional states (Delaware, Nevada, Washington state, and Wisconsin) for those with a VA permit alone. For residents of DC and MD, a UT permit also provides reciprocity in several states more states than any with any other non-resident permit! Plus, for DC and MD residents, a FL permit will add reciprocity with two (2) additional states (FL and NM).

We do concealed carry training for DC and/or MD, too! Our PART 2 (ADVANCED) concealed carry classes (which include range training and range qualification) will provide the additional training necessary to apply for a DC and/or MD permit, as well as for some other states that also require more extensive training.

You may wish to consider obtaining one or more other non-resident permits, as well, in order to increase (or overlap) your reciprocity even more.

At DISCOVER SHOOTING, we teach both experienced and inexperienced students.  We offer group and individual (1:1) class settings.

We also help our students with the required paperwork for permit applications, because it can be daunting to make sure all the documents you need are included. Plus, we’ll help with the paperwork, even for folks who didn’t (or didn’t need to) do their training with us, for one reason or another — e.g., those who currently serve or previously served, in the military, etc.

Check all the details here on our website, first, and then contact us at DISCOVER SHOOTING to discuss how we can fulfill your firearms training needs!

Located in Northern VA, primarily we serve students who are residents of VA, DC, MD, PA and WV, but we also can serve students from other states, by special arrangement.  We travel to do training, as well.  Ask us for details!


We offer an exclusive "Gun Show Discount" on our BASIC classes, and also as part of the package of our BASIC and ADVANCED classes, for those who want to apply to conceal carry in DC and/or MD. In order to qualify for the discount(s), you must enroll in person, and pay in full — when we are at the Nation's Gun Show, held in Chantilly, VA at the Dulles Expo Center.  While we’re at the show, we accept cash payments only (with some exceptions — ask us for details).

NOTE: Check above for details on how/when we are offering our “Gun Show Discount” in light of the possible cancellation of any other shows.


While our Gun Show Discount is our largest discount, we also offer other discounts on some of our classes for those who currently or previously serve[ed] in the MILITARY, as well as for those who are (or have been) LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS (yes, some want civilian permits, particularly if they did not serve long enough to qualify under “LEOSA”), FIREFIGHTERS, EMS PERSONNEL, TEACHERS, STUDENTS, VCDL (“Virginia Citizen’s Defense League”) members and MSI (“Maryland Shall Issue”) members, as well as in certain other cases.  In some cases, family members may be eligible for discounts, too!  Finally, other types of discounts also are possible – e.g., group discounts, couples' discounts, etc.  Ask us for more information!


To register for a class, click on the “Sign up for a Concealed Carry Class” link and fill out that form. To obtain more information, please click the "Contact Us" link on the website, and fill in your contact details, or email us directly at: 
